December 3, 2024

Mind of Marcuzio

Performance tuning is the art of wasting ten days to save ten seconds.

Creating a new project using PhoneGap

Difficulty Level    

PhoneGap is a pretty amazing open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications.  It’s built on Node.js and relies heavily on HTML, CSS and Javascript.  The first time you install PhoneGap and all it’s dependencies it can be a little complicated. But if you’re good at fighting JAVA PATH issues, you shouldn’t have any problems.

  1. Create the App in the folder you store your projects in
    • c:\mobile-dev\phonegap create ./app-name –id –name App-Name
  2. Add Platforms to your project
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordova platform add android
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordvova platform add firefoxos
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordova platform add amazon-fireos
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordova platform add blackberry10
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordova platform add windows8
    • c:\mobile-dev\app-name\cordova platform add wp7
    • *You must be using a Mac in order to cordova platform add ios.  Yes, it’s bullshit!  No Apple isn’t going to change it.
  3. Build Kick ass Mobile App


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